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'Staggered villas' offer canalside living in Kirkintilloch

May 9 2022

'Staggered villas' offer canalside living in Kirkintilloch

An affordable housing scheme comprising twin 'staggered villas' has been opened by Link Housing Association in Kirkintilloch.

Page\Park Architects delivered the build on the outskirts of town, addressing the Forth & Clyde Canal by laying a shared surface mews street through a mature tree belt.

23 apartments have been delivered within two linear blocks, the shorter of which mimics a nearby villa while the larger takes advantage of extensive backlands to extend through the full depth of the site.

In a statement the Page\Park wrote: "The development takes its cue from the staggered villa block pattern along Kilsyth Road. The form ties in with similar barn-like properties of nearby properties, reflecting the rural nature of the area, creating a distinct identity for the project. Two frontage gables maintain the existing rhythm of buildings along the street, incorporating a third storey ‘room in the roof’ in the asymmetric pitched roofs, while the eaves line extends down to a single storey to mediate between the adjacent villas.

"All elevations have been designed to have a depth to them, created by the use of large recesses, in the form of car ports, close entrances, and gable winter gardens."

A stepped ground floor ensures level access from both Kilsyth Road and the canal with covered car ports doubling as a feature entrance. 

A mews street leads to canal-side residents gardens designed by Mike Hyatt Landscape Architects
A mews street leads to canal-side residents gardens designed by Mike Hyatt Landscape Architects
A stepped ground-floor rises to meet the canal
A stepped ground-floor rises to meet the canal

Finished in tumbled brick the properties incorporate vertically hung tiles to add interest to the elevations
Finished in tumbled brick the properties incorporate vertically hung tiles to add interest to the elevations
Generous hallways and curtain wall glazing encourage landings to be used as social spaces
Generous hallways and curtain wall glazing encourage landings to be used as social spaces

1 Comment

#1 Posted by modernish on 9 May 2022 at 16:58 PM
Yip, nothing says 'entrance feature' quite like a covered carport!
Once you know this Bernini's St.Peter's Square makes a lot more sense. Some say grand processional colonnade, but in actual fact its just a very convenient series of covered carports creating a cracker of an entrance feature.

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