Current Issue
The current issue of Urban Realm contains articles on:

- UR100
The culmination of a year of research is close as Urban Realm readies the latest instalment of our top 100 that promises to bring order to the architecture profession by delivering the final word on who is in and who is out in 2024. - Strathblane Library
We check out a community lending library in Strathblane which goes against the grain as a rare example of investment amidst an uncertain future for the sector at large. Is this the future of book lending? - Child's Play
With Play Sufficiency supplementary planning guidance for Glasgow’s new City Plan, Urban Realm looks at designing spaces for play from the perspective of a qualified playworker and urban designer. - Disability Design
Looking beyond accessibility issues Urban Realm moves beyond a lack of access to many of Scotland's public buildings to examine what other provisions can be made for the many types of disability or impairment aside from access. - Loch Long
Revisiting arguments around the provision of amenities in Loch Long pre-Faslane Mark Chalmers explores the issue of redundant military land; and the challenges of remediating a brownfield site in what's now a national park. - Idea Maps
A novel combination of citizen science and mapping analytics promises to deliver a new perspective on some of the most disadvantaged urban areas on Earth. Urban Realm speaks to the University of Glasgow to see what promise the system holds for slum upgrading. - Ruchill Quadrangle
The rise of retrofit as a natural response to saving the planet and our heritage is bringing some much-needed colour to a former paint factory in Ruchill. We look at the challenges of converting an industrial site for habitation and the lessons it carries for other endangered structures. - East Calder Primary
A new primary school in East Calder is pointing the way ahead to energy-conscious education but is its one-of-a-kind design a harbinger of things to come? Urban Realm assesses how it’s shaping up. - Paper Folding
Yasmin Ali discusses the art of paper folding as demonstrated by her recent learnings from paper folding artist Kate Colin and printmaker Susie Wilson. How do these enigmatic creases, twists and pleats reflect architecture and our environment? Ali goes hands-on to rustle up the truth. - Usher Institute
The University of Edinburgh is delivering a series of six institutes across the city to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges, the latest of which focuses on innovation, wellbeing & community. Urban Realm sits down with Will Hartzog, senior associate at Hassell, to explore the relationship between architecture and society.
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