Network Rail to adjudicate on the feasibility of an Irish Sea tunnel
February 15 2021
Transport body High-Speed Rail Group (HSRG) has formalised its submission for a connectivity review of UK transport with the suggestion of a twin-bore 25-mile long tunnel beneath the Irish Sea to connect Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Championed by architect Alan Dunlop the cross-sea link was initially envisaged as a bridge but the practicalities of spanning a 1,000ft deep submerged chasm at Beaufort's Dyke and the need to buttress any above water structures against extreme weather has seen engineers turn toward underwater solutions.
Current thinking favours a route detouring north around the hidden trench between Stranraer and Larne, reducing the lowest point of deep water to a less daunting 650ft, although the price tag is still expected to be upwards of £10bn.
An upgraded line to service the tunnel would reduce journey times between Glasgow and Edinburgh to London to three hours or less with Belfast-bound trains diverting west at Carlisle.
HSRG board member Jim Steer said: "The most secure way is to tunnel it. It sounds crazy now, but before the Channel tunnel was built there was a similar debate.
"Our suggestion is that this should be looked at very seriously. It represents the considered view of the High-Speed Rail Group, which comprises over 20 of the biggest companies involved in high-speed rail in the UK and the Railway Industry Association."
Network Rail chairman Peter Wendy has been instructed to carry out a feasibility study on the proposals which will be subject to an interim report within the coming weeks.
This tunnel idea is a little ridiculous, and I don't know whether or not it would actually persuade voters to vote for a certain party, I am not a big fan of the idea. The money could be spent better elsewhere, for instance the Glasgow Metro!
One man's fantasy... go you!!
Value for money is always an issue and of course it will not prove to be cost effective in the short term but the idea is about more than money alone.
FYI the Scottish Government has been given almost £10 Billion in extra funding from Westminster to fight against Covid.
Denmark and Sweden are connected by a (now famous) Bridge (partly a tunnel) which carries both road and rail traffic. Why cant we unite to achieve this and use the finished project as a beacon of the talent we have in our United Kingdom for the whole world to see and envy?
#5 Without wishing to dissolve into another wearying discussion on what was or wasn't spent, the 'extra' £10 billion spent in Scotland has come about as a consequence of UK-wide spending by the UK government, raised primarily not by plundering the the UK's mighty fiscal reserves but by printing money in the form of quantitative easing. Namely, the same trick pulled this year by just about every government on Earth. That you use the word 'given' suggests we should be grateful we're being treated on a par with folk who live in another part of the UK. Which, I think you'll agree, is the bare minimum the citizenry of any part of any country should expect.
Yes, before an election all sorts of promises and policies are unveiled. Like those announced by the SNP during their BBC covid briefing earlier....
The Union Unit are in full swing now - making all these daft promises to entice Scots to vote for non Independent supporting parties come May. It is embarrassing - what is worse is the fact that the £10 billion costs (let's face it - with the Tories in charge this will balloon to double in a matter of years) will be added to Scotland's deficit despite not wanting it.
However, if you can put a positive spin on things then a physical link between an Independent Scotland and a United Ireland would be pretty cool in the future.
Off the top of my head I'd be more excited by . . .
Faster rollout of dualling both the A96 and A9
The deep water harbour expansion in Aberdeen
Extension of the railways further into the Borders and North East
Improvement and upgrades to the now major tourist route that is the North Coast 500
Provision of fit for purpose park and ride services across our larger towns
Obviously none of the above sits in the UK remit, but if you are going to offer voters a bribe, at least try and stick the money on something voters may be interested in.
Anyway. If we are going to be ambitious – lets do an underwater tunnel to the USA. NI could be a service station. We could live in Cumbernauld and work in Manhattan…
#2 The Glasgow Metro does still seem to be a fantasy project, the only technical drawings I have seen of it are some squiggly lines made in MS paint, certainly within the realms of fantasy.
Constructing a road tunnel across the English channel should be the highest priority, given that almost all of Ireland and Scotland's freight to the EU crosses the channel at Dover to Calais at road tunnel that could be used by lorries there would probably be of far more economic benefit than this very expensive rail tunnel that would probably get hardly any use.
Leaving aside the fantastical blubberings of this project, the idea of spending £10 billion so folk could drive through a tiny section of southwest Scotland from Northern Ireland on their way to Manchester United or Arsenal games in England doesn't strike me as being of great value.
Much more intrinsic value would be an expansion of the Glasgow Subway and the Edinburgh trams, extending the M9 to Inverness, dualling the A90 and A96, building Glasgow's Crossrail, investing in offshore hydrogen production...all have greater bang-for-buck impact upon the lives of humans than this bodge.
If you want pie-in-the-sky, ask Elon Musk to build a hyperloop between Glasgow and Edinburgh. That'll keep the comments section buzzing for an eternity.
1. For years we have been told that this section is a major armaments dumping ground. If this is true then surely some items would have moved over the years. The cost of clearing and making safe would be expensive , time consuming and quite possibly ongoing.
2. Nuclear armed subs are meant to be patrolling these waters in secret and unhindered. During construction , how would this be kept going?
3. Compensation to Fishing , Ferries etc?
4. Jurisdiction of law ? Scots or N.I.?
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Any tunnel under the Irish sea would have to be a road one not a rail one, I think the channel tunnel rail link hardly makes money and it is shorter, cheaper and serves much larger populations.