Mount Florida Bowling Club split 50/50 between flats & community
July 12 2022
Protracted moves to develop the former Mount Florida Bowling Club has come to a head with a planning submission that will equitably split the site 50/50 between residential and community use.
Noah Developments with jmarchitects propose two build twin apartment blocks containing 32 flats on half the site, with the remainder of the grounds left for community use as landscaped open space centred on an upgraded pavilion, which will serve as a social hub.
New homes will line Carmunnock Road with direct access to the street and the community space behind, with projecting bays providing private balconies.
In a press statement, jmarchitects wrote: "Importantly, this project is supported by the ambition of our clients which is to provide both a high-quality residential development as well as a meaningful open space and refurbished clubhouse that can be used by the whole community.”
A spokesperson for Noah added: “We are delighted to have submitted this planning application, which will see the redevelopment of the site, with half of it gifted at no cost to the local community and the current pavilion building upgraded to a new community hub, which can be used for a variety of local uses. The community will for the first time have direct ownership of these assets."
Noah has gifted the community facilities at no cost to a local action group and will remodel the former clubhouse as a multi-purpose space suitable for activities such as parents and toddlers’ groups, games nights, keep fit classes, educational events, craft groups and a café.
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