Brownfield Springburn homes establish green corridor to Petershill Park
October 20 2021
Bruach Design has followed through on a recent consultation for 84 Springburn homes with a formal planning application on behalf of Advance Construction and Merchant Home.
A brownfield site off Petershill Road, Springburn, has been earmarked for the build which seeks to re-establish the street edge and repair the urban block by extrapolating the building line from neighbouring tenements.
The gable ends of the new properties will frame a new access road into the site interior with direct access to Petershill Park with boundaries planted with woodland and hedgerow by DWA to promote biodiversity along a green corridor.
Outlining the design evolution of the final scheme Bruach wrote: "... all the blocks were orientated in a way in which dual aspect can be achieved from every flat and views out across Springburn are gained given the level differences around the site. Block 1 was positioned facing onto Southloch Sreet to continue the building line of the adjacent tenements and to provide an active frontage to this quieter section of the street.
"The position and orientation of Block 4, in particular, was changed as the design developed and the final position was chosen as it was concluded that this position gave a better enclosure to the open space at the front of the block, and also a visual enclosure to the site boundary with Petershill Park."
All apartments will comply with Housing for Varying Need and Glasgow Standard minimum space requirements.
Proper architects with training and everything too
I despair at the low bar
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Parking is very open -- more emphasis on closing the perimeter would have been useful.
Stack-a-pleb / speak your weight design.