Graham’s mount last ditch effort to resurrect Stirling dairy & homes bid
June 13 2018
Graham’s Family Dairy has appealed to the Scottish Government to approve its planning application for a £40m processing and R&D plant alongside 600 homes spearheaded by Mactaggart & Mickel at Airthrey Green, Stirling.
A planning application documenting the bid was lodged in 2014, outlining plans for a new primary school and public park as part, but this was refused by planners in 2016, beginning a two-year appeal battle to force it through.
The projects fate now rests in the hands of the Scottish Government which must decide whether to back or overturn the decision by Stirling Council.
Robert Graham commented: “Airthrey Green is the ideal case study for what the Sustainable Growth Commission Report refers to as the ‘Next Generation Economic Model for Scotland’. It will have a transformational, positive impact at a crucial time, not only to our business but also the local community.
“Approval will constitute a step-change in investment by facilitating the new dairy, while at the same time tackling the critical housing shortage for Stirling.”
#2 Posted by Sven on 14 Jun 2018 at 10:07 AM
I would have thought that the issue is the removal of greenbelt which separates Bridge of Allan from Stirling. This development physically brings both together. Is it desirable to merge a town with a small city? The proposed development looks pretty and reasonable but what are the wider consequences?
#3 Posted by Walt Disney on 14 Jun 2018 at 12:08 PM
The article says it was refused by the planners. The planners recommended it for approval, but the planning committee voted 12-8 against.
This will not be decided by urban planning. Its all about local politics, employment and economic development revenue.
This will not be decided by urban planning. Its all about local politics, employment and economic development revenue.
#4 Posted by hanna barbara on 20 Jun 2018 at 08:18 AM
#1 whoops walt. clean out of fivers?
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A fiver says it gets approved. SNP were slaugthered in Stirling so the Scottish Government have nothing to lose (local support, MPs and councillors) but lots to gain (economic development ££££).
Works out well - get your unpopular but necessary housing allocation in a nice Tory consttuency. Job's a good 'n.