Contemporary home wins approval on Edinburgh’s Corstorphine Hill
July 29 2013
Edinburgh City Council has granted planning consent for a new contemporary home on Corstorphine Hill, an area designated as being of ‘Great landscape Value’.Situated on Ravelston Dykes Lane the property will replace an existing bungalow with a five bedroom villa and off-street parking. Fronted by a projecting single storey garage, topped with a planted roof, the home is enclosed by mature gardens bisected by a ‘cundy’ which has been broadened to form a reflecting pond.
A simple bridge spans this pool connecting the garage to the access lane.
The home itself is finished with white render, timber cladding and a zinc roof whilst internally the scheme is based on open-plan living spaces arranged across a series of ‘pavilions’, each of which is topped by a bedroom with southerly aspect across the gardens.
Commenting on the scheme Neil Taylor, director of APD Architecture, said: “The building has been designed as a sequence of three volumes – two side pavilions and a central ‘tower’ – separated by glazed, recessed slots that run from front to back of the house.
“Each volume is offset from the other, allowing the house to be read as an informal cluster – reflecting the lack of uniformity in the street frontage of the neighbouring buildings and mitigating the scale and mass of the new building. Angled roof planes to the two side volumes reinforce this approach, drawing from the undulating topography of the surrounding wooded hillsides.”
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