Consultations herald Forres & Dufftown public realm improvements
November 26 2024
Moray Council has invited the public to have their say on its improvement plan for Forres and Dufftown.
The local authority has shared its concept designs for Museum Square in Forres and Dufftown's main square, which will be fully funded from external sources.
Improvements will improve the heritage setting of both towns to leverage additional funding to bring vacant and underutilised buildings back into use.
Cllr Marc Macrae commented: “These Town Centre Improvement Plans are key to revitalising communities and strengthening the local area. I hope these plans can help attract investment and bring these projects to life.”
Two public drop-in sessions will be held, one on Wednesday 27 November in the Courtroom Tolbooth, Forres from 2pm - 6pm and the other on Thursday 28 November at Dufftown Library, also between 2pm and 6pm.
I like images 2 and 3 - but add in some of the sinewy curves of 1.
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