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Quay wall reinstatement to unlock the south bank of the Clyde

December 8 2022

Quay wall reinstatement to unlock the south bank of the Clyde

An inaccessible section of the south bank of the River Clyde at Windmillcroft Quay is to be reinstated for public use, improving riverside access west of Tradeston.

Glasgow City Council has appointed Atkins to dismantle the dangerous 19th-century quay wall and erect a new coffer dam, extending the walkway 12.4m into the river.

Outlining the need for action Atkins wrote: "In recent years it became apparent that the Windmillcroft Quay wall was deteriorating and in urgent need of repair, with emergency demolition and earthworks taking place to temporarily stabilise a section of the quay wall. Since then, the area has been fenced off to prevent unauthorised access and no further works have taken place to address the ‘temporary’ situation or the other quay wall sections that are also reported to be in a poor condition."

Running 325m along the south bank, the works will extend useable public space and improve access to the waterfront with new paving, planting (retaining trees where possible) and lighting.

A coloured asphalt path will run the length of the route, lined by granite paving, with existing stone setts reclaimed.

Efforts to restore the section of the waterfront have been underway since 2014, held up by arguments over funding with the owners of adjacent apartments.  


#1 Posted by Roddy_ on 9 Dec 2022 at 00:06 AM
I think 'unbroken access' might be a slight exaggeration UR - given that Springfield Quay is not contiguous with Mavisbank Quay and you can't access Plantation Quay given that the abutment of the Squinty Bridge is like this:,-4.2840093,3a,75y,114.74h,89.67t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPuDWLRf797dtVSr-MN4GzRLAUvS4lhQhlzFyo!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352?hl=en-GB
#2 Posted by UR on 9 Dec 2022 at 12:10 PM
Yes, the Hobbit-only south bank has been given short shrift. I'll change the wording.

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