Linear park and tower to stand as a 'buffer' against the Kingston Bridge
June 15 2022
Dandara Living has opened a consultation into early proposals for its City Wharf development in Glasgow, updating a 2018 consent to deliver a 'waterfront gateway'.
Early-stage designs by Manson illustrate the scale and massing of what is proposed with around 670 rental apartments slotted into the urban grain, inlcuding a taller element to stand proud alongside the Kingston Bridge, adjacent to a separate 20-storey tower designed by Keppie.
The updated proposal also includes ground floor commercial space as well as provision for 60 parking spaces below landscaped podium decks, over 850 secure cycle bays and 40 new trees along a linear park extending through the full length of the site.
Outlining their intent the developer wrote: "All of the new homes will be available to rent on long term assured tenancies and managed by Dandara Living. We price all of our apartments at a level that is accessible to a wide range of people.
"Many apartments will have their own private balcony or terrace. All of the kitchens will be fitted out with integrated appliances and the bedrooms all have built in wardrobes. The two bed apartments have been designed with sharers in mind with equal sized ensuite bedrooms.
"The arrangement of courtyard spaces between the buildings are proposed to be mix of private amenity and recreational areas for residents to use. One of the key benefits of the revised design proposal is to increase the size of the south facing landscaped space adjacent to the riverside and provide a new public square along Anderston Quay."
On-site amenities include communal kitchens, lounges, a gym and pet hub.
Also the plans are confusing, why not show the development with a bit more context? Took me a few minutes to get my bearings……. Maybe show the bridge……. the river.
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Never mind, I'm sure it'll be UhMaZinG! with Dandara delivering.