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New plans for Portobello pottery homes turned in

May 12 2021

New plans for Portobello pottery homes turned in

Portobello Sands have come forward with revised plans for an infill residential development at Pipe Lane, Edinburgh.

The last remaining brownfield site near listed pottery brick kilns the site will bookend incomplete previous development with 10 apartments arranged over five floors.

Located toward the western end of Portobello Promenade the development replaces a 2018 application for 11 apartments over six storeys proposal - now scaled down following conversations with the chief planning officer.

In a statement, Cameron Laird Architects wrote: "The applicant retains ownership over the proposed development site and proposes to complete the development of the land to address current requirements and to minimise the impact on surrounding residential properties. As such we have taken time to consider how the remaining land can be developed whilst respecting the amenity of existing residents, especially those directly adjacent to the site.

"We have also taken into consideration the importance and strong visual prominence of the Kilns and its relationship to the site. As such we have chosen to reconsider the land uses, the development content and the scale of the buildings on the site."

Addressing the street edge to Pipe Lane with open 'artwork' railings the scheme will maintain open aspects of both kilns from approaches. The apartments will be finished in a mix of cast stone and white render with curving stainless steel balconies turning the corner onto the promenade. 

The build leaves plenty of room for both listed kilns to breathe
The build leaves plenty of room for both listed kilns to breathe
The new addition will finally complete a 2013 development
The new addition will finally complete a 2013 development


Damp Proof Membrane
#1 Posted by Damp Proof Membrane on 12 May 2021 at 09:30 AM
The quality of all new residential schemes on the prom really are a detriment to a great site / opportunity. There's some wonderful individual dwellings by great architects in the back streets, but the work being put on the front is a missed opportunity of epic proportions. I'd demolish them all and start again. Really, really poor.
#2 Posted by David on 12 May 2021 at 10:09 AM
Cheap and nasty, rather like the rest of the surrounding area. Really really poor quality proposal and dreadful design for such a prominent site within the local area.
#3 Posted by KLD on 12 May 2021 at 11:32 AM
Love the seafront elevation.
#4 Posted by Donald on 13 May 2021 at 12:48 PM
Looks fantastic.

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