Apartment bid to complete B-listed Pilrig terrace
January 29 2021
A detached home dating from 1948 in Edinburgh's Pilrig Conservation Area is in line for the wrecking ball to complete a B-listed Georgian terrace.
The gable wall at 48 Pilrig Street displays an extra set of chimney flues, raggled cope and recessed quoins for an end-terrace property which never came, sparking desire from the current owners of its immediate neighbour to finally finish the job.
Lorn MacNeal Architects have been instructed to accomplish this by demolishing 50 Pilrig Street at the junction with Dryden Street and erecting nine apartments in its place, matching the scale and materials palette of its neighbour in the process. Faced in natural stone under a slated pitched roof the addition with natural zinc cladding employed as a lightweight, contemporary foil to the rear.
In a design statement, the architects explained: "The main entrance is accessed off Pilrig Street with stone steps and bridge across the lower level patios. An accessible lower entrance is through the rear garden off Dryden Street.
"The offset chimney rhythm of the neighbouring houses is continued with a stone 'bookend' gable to Dryden Street. To the rear the materials become more lightweight with zinc and aluminum introduced, and the height and mass of the building is stepped down."
Arranged over five floors by providing habitable roof space the project will retain a rear garden with no parking.
Existing cottage is quaint if ill-proportioned in places, and looks fairly neglected, so probably no great loss.
Agree with 'Symmetry'- better use of space, but also agree that trying to squeeze in an extra floor between ground and first floor does look quite mean.
The stringcourse below the first floor windows on the adjacent property is disregarded in this extension/addition. Though perhaps not a critical feature to continue on the new addition, it does illustrate the difference in scale that these new floors levels will achieve compared to the existing neighbour.
I prefer not to be able to touch my ceiling, but I guess having an extra storey of accommodation is economically more appealing.
This project takes a very low density city site and dramatically increases it. The architect has clearly thought about the context and having read the design statement, the proposal seems in line with what we should be trying to achieve. The little house currently on the site is completely out of place and this would create a more intact and stronger streetscape.
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I understand why the windows do not match as they're trying to get an extra floor in but those windows not aligning on the front elevation with the original property next door looks a little mismatched.