Approval sought for demolition of B-listed Belvidere Hospital
December 5 2013
Hypostyle architects have filed a planning application to demolish Glasgow's B listed Belvidere Hospital to make way for 22 new homes.Developer Kier Homes, owner of the London Road plot, wish to clear the site in order to build a mix of semi-detached and terraced housing.
Currently listed high risk on the buildings at risk register the sandstone ashlar administration block was designed by John Carrick by 1887 - but is now in very poor condition.
The plans have already elicited complaints however with Andrew Montguire observing: “I object to this as it seems listed buildings are being demolished for no good reason other than to build houses.
“The listed buildings have been listed for a reason, not for some housing developer to decide to build houses!!!! There’s plenty of vacant land to build on without demolishing listed buildings.”
#2 Posted by Kathryn Bennett on 5 Dec 2013 at 14:15 PM
Surley they cannot continue to allow developers to do this. If developers want planning consent for resi development on sites containing listed buildings there should be set requirements on how much can be developed prior to money being spent on listed buildings. Running out of cash shouldn't justify loss of our heritage.
#3 Posted by Anna Mary on 5 Dec 2013 at 16:25 PM
Another case of the greed of developers eroding our heritage. What a shame and potential sad end to a beautiful Carrick building. Why do some people not understand once these assets are gone, they are gone forever. There is so much empty land nearby which could be redeveloped first.
#4 Posted by Paul Sweeney on 5 Dec 2013 at 17:41 PM
Springburn Halls, Ruchill Hospital, London Road School, Gartloch Hospital have all had listed building consents granted by Glasgow City Council in the last year alone. Historic Scotland are now refusing to enforce the listed building system in Glasgow. The SHEP regulations are being slackened to the point of farce. It is discrediting the preservation of Glasgow's 19th and 20th century built heritage. It is fast becoming a national disgrace.
#5 Posted by wonky on 5 Dec 2013 at 17:46 PM
In an ideal a world a developer would look at this site as a perfect opportunity to create something truly original- the existing listed structure could be incorporated into the future plans and thereby elevate the all too monotonously homogenized meccano/lego crap the public gets forced upon them all the time.
Instead in the chronically short termist profit for profits sake UK culture lottery all we get are crumbling's over inconvenient readings in account margins.
Instead in the chronically short termist profit for profits sake UK culture lottery all we get are crumbling's over inconvenient readings in account margins.
#6 Posted by Pablo on 6 Dec 2013 at 01:53 AM
Make them consolidate, incorporate or build around. Set a precedent. That said. Is the building really meritous? I 'd rather save an unpopular Meitzstein MacMillan from the 60s than save a humdrum sandstone building because it's simply old.
#7 Posted by Sven on 6 Dec 2013 at 09:01 AM
It will be listed because of its contribution to local architecture and as the earliest example of a fever hospital in Scotland, not simply as it is old. The East end of Glasgow has very few old buildings if you exclude tenements.
It will be listed because of its contribution to local architecture and as the earliest example of a fever hospital in Scotland, not simply as it is old. The East end of Glasgow has very few old buildings if you exclude tenements.
#8 Posted by Danny on 6 Dec 2013 at 13:02 PM
Scrap VAT on listed building refurbs
#9 Posted by Concerned on 10 Dec 2013 at 10:41 AM
It's a disgrace that many of our listed buildings are now being demolished to make way for 'bland' semi-detached housing schemes. This building could easily be restored and incorporated into the overall scheme. In fact planning applications were submitted and approved for this building to be converted into flats. Not perfect but at least this would have retained this historical building. Why is this now being scrapped. Developers profit margins no doubt. I agree with Danny that we should scrap VAT on listed building refurbs.
#10 Posted by Peter McKenzie on 24 Feb 2019 at 15:13 PM
In its day it was an elegant, spacious building. I lived there as a child. My dad was medical superintendent of Belvidere Hospital 1947-79. We moved to a house near the main gate about 18955. This building housed my dad’s office, nurses home, resident doctor’s accommodation, doctor’s dining room and a hall for meetings and some sports.
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It is in poor condition as the developers knocked down all the other parts of the hospital and left just a roofless shell for years. They should be made to restore the main facade as too much of Scotland's stone architecture is deliberately destroyed by developers as it is cheaper for them to build new and not restore.