Alistair Watson resigns as SPT chairman amidst expenses row
February 15 2010
Alistair Watson, chairman of Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, has resigned citing health reasons following an expenses row.Financial watchdog Audit Scotland is investigating more than £122k in expenses claims run up between 2006 and 2009 by the agency. In this time officials travelled to China, India, America, Singapore, Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic.
The Times newspaper claimed officials flew first class and stayed in some of the worlds most luxurious hotels including the Imperial hotel in Prague and New York’s Algonquin after obtaining expenses details in a freedom of information request.
Questions have also been raised over £2.4m paid by the agency to consultants between 2007 and 2009.
SPT will elect a new chair on Friday 26 February.
Read previous: 3DReid and Devereux collaborate on Scottish healthcare
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