Glasgow cuts High Street down to size to improve kerb appeal
August 26 2024
A long-heralded transformation of Glasgow's High Street has drawn closer, with consultations set to open next week.
Members of the public are invited to a drop-in session on Tuesday 3 September between 12:00 and 15:00 at 231 George Street to get up to speed on the latest proposals.
The four-lane highway will be shrunk to two, permitting a new cycle lane, widened pavements and island bus stops to be built along its western edge.
Consultants from Ironside Farrar will be on hand to explain the aims behind the intervention, which will extend from Glasgow Cross past High Street Station to Rottenrow and its immediate vicinity.
The work forms part of the High Street Area strategy which seeks to improve the city's historic core by improving shopfronts and encouraging new businesses to the important north-south route.
@ 4. I think thats an unfair characterisation of High St
If ever a scheme didn't need to be explained by consultants, this is it. It is a new cycle lane, a token bit of planting and some new paving. Depressingly lacking in ambition.
What a piece of dross nonsense and would actually better to leave it alone than do this same shambles that has been proven not to work elsewhere in the city.
Particularly agree with the above comment that mixing two lanes of pedestrians, bus stops etc in with the cycle lane in the middle is the act of what could only be the worst type of deranged jobsworth who has clearly almost never cycled or walked anywhere and wants to use up what's left of the NHS with all the inevitable injuries that the rubbish cycle lanes in Glasgow are now going to be producing.
Better take your chances in with the cars than killing a stray pedestrian in that cycle lane, yes not everyone cycles at 5mph, especially if you are serious about it as a car alternative.
It's all anti car policy here with no viable alternatives given at all as people are rightly pointing out, public transport worse than it was 40 years ago, local businesses and cultural community being destroyed at some pace by this brainless policy.
The only good thing is that all the smart urbanist citizens above can see right through this madness and clearly want something different.
Could someone please print this blog and comments and send to the relevant people at the top of GCC planning, urban design, transport and so on?
Have a nice weekend meantime.
Given the High Street hill I think they are going to need speed cameras ...
Transport 1400 hobby horsing -- generating congestion to justify the hugely inflated cost of tarting up the High Street.
Holyrood / GCC -- strange set of spending priorities.
Student politicians who will never grow up.
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