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Sun pods swapped for recessed entrances at Govan build

April 9 2024

Sun pods swapped for recessed entrances at Govan build

A distinctive apartment block planned for Nimmo Drive, Govan, has undergone a full-scale redesign with sun pods giving way to recessed entrances at the behest of planners.

Mast Architects have secured planning consent for their latest vision, an update of their 2021 proposals for Elderpark Housing Association, after incorporating a second stair to allow all single-aspect flats to be made dual-aspect.

Signature sun pods have also been excised and replaced with Juliet balconies as compensation for the loss of amenity. Lengthy discussions between Glasgow City Council and Mast over numerous design changes to the 43 flats and attendant cost increases are summarised by the practice in their design and access statement but include a block on the use of gas and an insistence that corbelling and brick detailing was to remain at all costs.

In a statement, the architects wrote: "We feel that the design team have incorporated all of GCC's recommendations and responded to their concerns with a robust design that will significantly improve the site and help meet the housing demand for the area."

Homes will be split between two blocks built by The JR Group with council grant funding covering a share of the construction costs. Contractors are expected to be on-site from the summer.  


Fat Bloke on Tour
#1 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 11 Apr 2024 at 10:54 AM
It is the poverty of desire / aspiration of the HAs that gets you in the end -- the people of Govan will never be able to afford a car so we don't need to include any form of parking provision as the street will do.

I thought that mixed neighbourhoods were where it was at not purpose built poverty clusters.

Not good.
#2 Posted by Bemused_Citizen on 12 Apr 2024 at 16:21 PM
@#1 - Have you ever been to this place? Street parking is not a problem and there is a mixed neighbourhood. Hell, there used to be a school directly opposite this site ... it's more notable that nothing is being done with that building, frankly.
#3 Posted by Darren on 17 Apr 2024 at 19:38 PM
More blooming awful anywhere architecture. No attempt mad whatsoever to blend into the surround buildings, 1 storey too high. Bland, bland, bland. Why couldn't they redevelop the old school on the opposite street corner instead and return it to its former glory??
Katharine McNab
#4 Posted by Katharine McNab on 13 May 2024 at 09:19 AM
At no point have EHA or GCC thought about impact this has on current tenants, there are 50 cars in Elderpark Street at night so where are new tenants cars to go? Also it's a living hell with 8 hrs a day machinery and noise was a daily wake up for whole Street of 8am.
No communication or duty of care for tenants

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