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Leith skyline is on the up with plans for another two towers

December 13 2022

Leith skyline is on the up with plans for another two towers

S Harrison Developments has shared early plans for a residential-led mixed-use development at Ocean Point, Leith.

The first of two pre-application consultations for 0.58 hectares of reclaimed dockland shows hundreds of homes in two separate buildings as either private, build to rent or student accommodation.

A possible hotel is also on the cards until the precise end use is pinned down. Complementary commercial, co-working and amenity spaces are also planned, linking up with the planned boardwalk proposed as part of the neighbouring Skyliner development.

Each building will stand separate from the other, maintaining views from Ocean Drive towards the docks and further afield toward the city.

The height and massing of the proposal are still under development by Hawkins/Brown with a planning application expected by March 2023.  

Separate towers will maintain open aspects through to the docks
Separate towers will maintain open aspects through to the docks
The reclaimed land overlooks Albert Dock basin
The reclaimed land overlooks Albert Dock basin


Eric Christison
#1 Posted by Eric Christison on 13 Dec 2022 at 11:20 AM
Simply hideous.
I find it offensive that someone is proposing to erect such dull and depressing edifices in my beautiful city. How dare you.
town planner
#2 Posted by town planner on 13 Dec 2022 at 15:20 PM
A couple of the towers would benefit from being a bit taller, and more slender and elegant in design. Perhaps some interesting and less "blocky" shapes, hey perhaps even something "iconic" would be good too. The principle of higher density development in this location is the right one (one of the relatively few appropriate sites in Edinburgh for higher density) but the designs as indicated could certainly be more imaginative and ambitious.
Leith habitant
#3 Posted by Leith habitant on 13 Dec 2022 at 22:20 PM
Not sure how forward thinking it is to build 14+ floor skyliner on a constant flooded harbour basin area when sea levels are rising. It also ruins the view for all owners of current Cala waterfront development which is being sold with the views as big selling point
Jonathan Morgan
#4 Posted by Jonathan Morgan on 14 Dec 2022 at 09:11 AM
Wow we are going back to the 1960s with architecture and back to the 1930s with trams. Why do developers not learn from previous mistakes?
#5 Posted by Bill on 14 Dec 2022 at 12:52 PM
Simply hideous design. They need to learn from the 1960s that these blocks do not work for people. Drugs, violence, mental health issues. Just watch Train spotting for evidence!!!!!
outraged individual
#6 Posted by outraged individual on 15 Dec 2022 at 09:29 AM
bad urbanism
#7 Posted by Clive on 20 Dec 2022 at 22:42 PM
Hideous and boring. 7 years studying to become an architect to churn out square boxes. I think they should reduce the time it takes to qualify to 6 months
Rona Little
#8 Posted by Rona Little on 20 Jun 2024 at 22:30 PM
I agree with many comments. These architects of today don't appreciate how hideous these monstrosities are. Many of us lived through the building of the 60's 70's - rubbish and many torn down - heritage in years to come - what heritage these will always be looked on as ugly to say the least. Those who proposed them long gone ! Open your eyes and
look around at rthe heritage in Leith .

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