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Former Dundee Levi's factory to be replaced by a twin car showroom

August 2 2022

Former Dundee Levi's factory to be replaced by a twin car showroom

A former Levi's factory in Dundee's Dunsinane industrial estate has been earmarked for a new car showroom by Eastern Western Motor Group.

Yeoman McAllister Architects have been appointed to the project which will see a garage and service centre built on the 4.7-acre site off the Kingsway Ring Road.

Accommodating 306 vehicle display and parking spots the build combines a twin Lexus and Toyota showroom with gallery-style office space and a canteen on a mezzanine first floor, which also houses all plant and machinery.

In a design statement, the architects wrote: "All plant and machinery including air condenser, air compressors for the workshop will be located on the mezzanine floor to prevent external noise.

"The building has been designed to meet current Toyota/Lexus corporate standards."

Sporting a feature green wall the showrooms are finished in insulated cladding panels and glazing around a platinum-effect metal entrance. 


#1 Posted by HMR on 3 Aug 2022 at 09:10 AM
What climate challenge, surely Yeoman's can do better than this.
#2 Posted by TheFakeArchitect on 4 Aug 2022 at 09:39 AM
#1 I'm always intrigued by these comments. Are you suggesting that Architects should refuse these kind of commissions? Aren't Toyota & Lexus not two of the largest electric car manufacturers anyway?

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