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Skye cultural centre to strengthen Gaelic heritage

July 19 2018

Skye cultural centre to strengthen Gaelic heritage

A new community and heritage centre for the Isle of Skye is on the cards with the emergence of plans by Rural Design Architects for the north of the island at Flodigarry.

A one-hectare site of rough grazing has been identified for the centre on an elevated plot at the foot of the Quirang and will play host to a variety of language, arts and heritage initiatives.

Conceived by Urras Baile Fhlòdaigearraidh the facility wills serve both tourists and locals and is intended to strengthen Gaelic culture in the area by providing an outlet for language, music and dance.

Formed from weathered timber and sheet metal the centre has been conceived to create a distinctive silhouette amidst surrounding rocky escarpments.

In a statement the architects wrote: “The building will be unique and contemporary in appearance, consisting of three main elongated volumes of different proportions lying slightly off perpendicular to the road frontage and elevated relative to it.”

Ten accommodation pods will also be built to provide temporary accommodation for people attending language classes and other events from further afield.

A coach and car park will be built to the south of an existing cairn
A coach and car park will be built to the south of an existing cairn
Diagonal roof ridges bisect the rectangular floor plan
Diagonal roof ridges bisect the rectangular floor plan


Nairn's Barin
#1 Posted by Nairn's Barin on 19 Jul 2018 at 14:14 PM
Another nice scheme from RD, even if it does include that currently-ubiquitous element that sends shivers down Planning Officers backs - pods!
#2 Posted by Cadmonkey on 20 Jul 2018 at 17:10 PM
Is it not a bit symbolic that a Gaelic Hetitage Centre is proposed to be stuck in the middle of nowhere?
Alan Dickson
#3 Posted by Alan Dickson on 23 Jul 2018 at 17:02 PM
The project sits on the edge of the existing settlement of Flodigarry in the Trotternish pensinsula, North East Skye. This is one of the strongest native Gaelic speaking populations remaining - the project aims to help reinforce this.
I am not very sure of how the project ended up on UR (maybe we have a stalker?) it is simply part of a Permission in Principle application, the visuals are purely indicative for this purpose as the the site sits within a national scenic area.
Highland Council Architects
#4 Posted by Highland Council Architects on 25 Jul 2018 at 13:12 PM
Alan - UR frequently post articles about projects that have recently been submitted for planning permission without the consent of applicant or agent. I guess it is a form of lazy journalism.
#5 Posted by Donnie on 25 Jul 2018 at 13:53 PM
Not sure its a form of lazy journalism... I think UR simply tries to highlight interesting and/or controversial development proposals across Scotland for people like us to consider.

Looks like a nice enough scheme for north Skye which is very representative of Rural Design style. I'm sure it will sit well in the landscape and weather well over time.
Paul Foot
#6 Posted by Paul Foot on 25 Jul 2018 at 14:07 PM
It's not lazy journalism at all - better to search for and report on significant applications by significant agents (i.e this is a good thing RD) than re-hashing a architects press releases - now that would be lazy.

Although applications are in the public domain, they're not always easily found by the public. And agents, if they monitor LA portals at all, it's generally only their local Council rather than nation-wide. So please, keep it up UR!
#7 Posted by UR on 25 Jul 2018 at 14:12 PM
Absolutely - and we do always link directly to the relevant application. The preference would be to obtain information direct but the priorities and schedules of applicants do not always tally with our own.
#8 Posted by CadMonkey on 28 Jul 2018 at 07:57 AM
How does this sit with Copyright Law?
Fine publishing a story, but this web site is obviously benefitting from using images and CGIs created by others.
Should you not be obtaining the creators permission before publishing them?
I don’t think stating they are in the public realm as part of a Planning Application is sufficient grounds to use them yourself for your own financial gain (web traffic/advertising etc...)
John Glenday
#9 Posted by John Glenday on 30 Jul 2018 at 11:46 AM
Fair dealing allows limited use of copyrighted work for news reporting subject to the appropriate credit. The rules are in place to foster open debate.

We do enforce church & state separation between editorial and advertising and always ensure that any web traffic is directed to the relevant application.

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