Mackintosh Library restoration advances with life-size prototype
February 3 2017
The Glasgow School of Art is making headway in its plans to fully restore Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s lost library after commissioning Laurence McIntosh to build a full-size prototype of one of its lost bays.Working in tandem with Page/Park the prototype will be built to a precise specification reached following years of painstaking research into every aspect of the fire damaged room and scrutiny of the original construction drawings.
Sarah MacKinnon, project manager of the Mackintosh Building restoration said: “The prototype will help us to test the materials and techniques that were used to construct the original library and will be used to construct its replacement.
“This process will provide invaluable, practical information about the supply chain for the Tulip wood, the construction method and the finishing of the wood and this will inform the main library construction, which is scheduled to begin early next year.”
Fabrication will commence within one of the Mackintosh Building studios in the spring with completion expected two months later.
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