Glasgow Fort re-think sees Corten steel car park tabled
January 11 2016
Cooper Cromar has submitted alternative plans for the latest phase of expansion at the Glasgow Fort retail park, a multi-storey car park with ground floor retail units which is currently under construction.This would see approved stainless steel cladding switched for perforated Corten steel to impart a ‘warmer feel’ to the development, which will link existing retail to a new leisure destination.
A curved timber clad steel enclosure will also be inserted at ground level to strengthen visual and physical connections along the ‘street’.
In a supporting statement the architects explained: “Although a departure from the stainless steel and aluminium cladding used throughout the centre, this alternative material has not been selected at random and is certainly not alien at Glasgow Fort since it has been used in street furniture, planters and tree enclosures as part of the public realm areas of the recently completed Phase 2 works.
“We are also stitching corten steel into the scheme as infill panels and alternative over cladding to retail
frontages in conjunction with potential tenants.
“This material also ties in with a warmer aesthetic generally in the paving, furniture and timber cladding being used in various locations around the centre.”
The project remains on track for completion by the middle of the year.
#1 Posted by Haud the Bus on 12 Jan 2016 at 10:30 AM
Corten Steel - the latest fashion in facade treatments.
#2 Posted by E=mc2 on 15 Jan 2016 at 12:43 PM
Shame the original concept architect wasn't retained to see the scheme through to completion. Their original design intent has been diluted with every subsequent development, particularly the shells facing the M8
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