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Sighthill success sparks a densification drive

June 6 2024

Sighthill success sparks a densification drive

Amended plans for the largest of eight Transformational Regeneration Areas in Glasgow are to be brought forward, four years on from the award of planning consent for the giant project.

Since then the first phase of housing at Northbridge has sold out, with work to build hundreds more fast progressing through to 2026. This early success has fueled a desire to meet demand by increasing the supply of housing from 826 to 1137 homes, a jump of 311, centred principally on the eastern portion of the masterplan.

Elder & Cannon Architects have been engaged to oversee the changes, which include mixed-use development of student residences, flats, hotel accommodation, independent shops and artists' workspaces in the area around the newly opened Sighthill Bridge.

In a statement, Keepmoat Homes said: "Initial phases of development have been completed successfully on site and Keepmoat Homes are in the process of drafting an updated masterplan for the site which would see a more efficient use of land and increased density at Sighthill. It is intended that the masterplan will be subject to a new detailed planning application..."

Adhering largely to the framework established by Collective Architecture and LDA Design in the earlier plan the changes will be limited to remaining pockets of the site while applying lessons learned from construction thus far.

A full planning application is expected in September.   

A greater emphasis on mixed use development will deliver student apartments, a hotel and artists' studios
A greater emphasis on mixed use development will deliver student apartments, a hotel and artists' studios
Hundreds more homes are to be inserted throughout, without undermining the established masterplan
Hundreds more homes are to be inserted throughout, without undermining the established masterplan


#1 Posted by Roddy_ on 6 Jun 2024 at 14:26 PM
When complete there will be around 1000 units with a population of 2500 , perhaps if they're lucky maybe even 3000. This is the kind of population that might support one, maybe two shops, and unsurprisingly, there has been no interest from the retailers wishing to set up (I have this on good authority) . In addition, there are no bus services- even just a local mini bus- that traverse the area.Not hardwired to a train or tramline. This would be unthinkable on the continent.
So low gross desity,even with the flats. No proper transport connections and the likelihood that the intended parade of shops might not materialise. We have already seen this low density model in Dalmarnock.
This keeps being brandished as 'one of the largest develpments outside London'. What does this mean? By area? Certainly not by density. This is not how to regenerate inner-city areas and we can only dream about stuff like this.
town planner
#2 Posted by town planner on 6 Jun 2024 at 20:31 PM
#1 Agree. The tallest building looks to be 6/7 stories so if the aim is to increase 'density', - as it should be - to provide much needed housing, and take pressure off our limited land resource, then sadly that aim is not being fully realised here.
#3 Posted by Roddy_ on 7 Jun 2024 at 00:38 AM
Those mid-rises are dull as dishclouts and that wall of dullness on Pinkston Road does feel like that old Connolly adage 'deserts wi windaes'. A closer look at the masterplan reveals that they've just been dropped in with what appears to little or no strategic intent (polite for randomly dropped in) - so Pinkston Rd and Springburn Rd get the broken line of mid-rises plus one or two other spots where they're shoe-horned in.

That section of Pinkston Rd has buildings that are over 60 metres face to face - which was part of the original design and has been kept. That is just enormous - so the public space between that which has already been delivered and the new stuff will be a vast chasm which ,with the addition of the mid-rises (remember no active frontage here either), will make it windswept and not that interesting. This happens at the space in front of the community campus too- the space that was meant to be allocated as a 'transport hub' as well as the 'new town centre' with shops and whatever. Remember though, while this is in the masterplan, it is not part of the next proposed phase , so you can forget about the mixed-use element of the 'neighbourhood' for a while. I'd estimate another 5 years minimum at current build rate if not more. Looking at the link kindly provided above and reposted here, you do have to have a wee giggle about the selling points which include:
• Amazing choice of transport links surrounding the development
• Fantastic St Rollox retail park on your doorstep
(Haud me back!)

20 minute neighbourhood right there folks.

PS the re the link in my first post - for context the built elements of Nordhavn have taken the same time as the small section Sighthill that has been delivered hiterto.
Fat Bloke on Tour
#4 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 8 Jun 2024 at 11:42 AM
Surely a text book example of not how to do things -- sink estate left to rot so that the population drifts away to deliver a large "regeneration" opportunity where the existing structures are demolished to allow a new middle class development to take its place.

Then maximise the ground value by only allowing one commercial housebuilder to work the site at a glacial pace to its own advantage.

They will have built cathedrals quicker in Barcelona than this development.

Housing emergency -- slogan only / just there for the headlines it will generate.

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