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Possilpark 'super cinema' facade is granted C listed protection

June 6 2024

Possilpark 'super cinema' facade is granted C listed protection

An at-risk Possipark cinema has been thrown a lifeline by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) after its ornate sandstone facade was C-listed.

The decision grants crucial legal protection to the former Mecca Bingo Hall at 124 Balmore Road, increasing the likelihood that it can be saved and incorporated into any future redevelopment.

The designation relates solely to the front and side masonry walls of the building and notably excludes the interiors and asbestos roof, which have already been stripped and partially dismantled.

Confirming their decision HES wrote: "Our assessment using the selection guidance shows that the building meets the criteria of special architectural or historic interest. We do not consider the interior or roof and roof structure to be of special interest. The decision is to list the exterior of the building at category C."

The 1933 'super cinema' was designed in a modern-classical style by architects prolific father and son architects John and James McKissack. Outlining the importance of the building HES added: "The design of the former Mecca cinema is notable as a surviving example of a modern-classical cinema design, typical of its date, which remains largely unaltered to the exterior. The front elevation, built of dressed and carved stone (now overpainted) is of some quality with a distinctive pilastered and stepped centrepiece."

The decision ends the immediate hopes of site owner Allied Vehicles to build an extended car showroom on the site.  


Fat Bloke on Tour
#1 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 6 Jun 2024 at 11:26 AM
Who phoned this tripe in?
Mecca Cinema -- must be a first.
"Super Cinema" -- Evening Times level or journalism.

HES give the impression that they are embarrassed at giving out this classification.

C listing is estate agent chat to flog a white elephant to needy / attention seeking / name droppers -- nothing to do with the preservation of the built environment.

Saving grace -- easily fixed so that the area can have some must needed investment / economic growth.
#2 Posted by KB on 6 Jun 2024 at 12:42 PM
"Ornate sandstone facade". That's pushing it a bit.
Humza Doofus
#3 Posted by Humza Doofus on 10 Jun 2024 at 12:54 PM
Sometimes its better to let things go. Its already a dilapidated eyesore and is only gonna get worse.
#4 Posted by Spike on 10 Jun 2024 at 21:35 PM
Well done to those pushing for the retention of this facade

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