Extensive demolition to stunt A-listed Springburn locomotive works
May 22 2024
The majority of the A-listed headquarters of a former locomotive works at Flemington Street, Springburn, is facing demolition as the current owners seek to avoid empty building rates.
Currently in operation as Abbeymill Business Centres only the monumental front section of the North British Locomotive Company Offices, designed in 1908 by James Miller, would survive, with the more utilitarian rear and side wings all facing their end. including a hidden glazed tile internal courtyard
Operated as a business centre since 2006 the condemned portions are currently just 20% let following an exodus of tenants post-pandemic, despite a recent refurbishment. Empty rate charges have pushed the owners to migrate the remaining tenants to the Baroque front elevation and clear the remainder of the site to reduce annual outgoings.
In a supporting statement, retired architect Marcus Dean wrote: "The removal of empty rates concession for the unoccupied portions of the building have resulted in charges far higher than income, the unfactored charge for empty rates is approximately £150,000 this year - last year it was zero.
"It has been demonstrated that despite a long period of operation and marketing the space considered for demolition cannot be filled by the present commercial uses or the charges for empty rates are too high to permit ongoing sporadic renovation...
"A request on 29/04/24 for an emergency meeting to find other solutions with the planning department has had no response."
Attempts thus far to find an alternative use for the building have come up empty as an unusual layout and limited points of access constrain its ready conversion to apartments.
The property has been marketed for sale with one offer received in March, this was later withdrawn after an exemption for empty rates charges was lifted.
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