Statue specialists sought to bring George Square monuments to life
April 24 2024
Glasgow City Council is seeking statue specialists to dismantle, transport, store and conserve 11 bronze monuments, several of which are A-listed.
The process will see famous figures such as James Watt and Sir Walter Scott dismounted from the stone plinths from which they have long surveyed the square and taken away for refurbishment, before returning to play a key role in the new George Square.
Council leader Susan Aitken said: “This is very niche, highly specialised and painstaking work, so we need to ensure we have the right level of expertise on board from the get-go. To get that level of expertise, it’s clear we need specialists to help us find the right contractors for the job.
“These are A and B-listed monuments and for many people are a key part of the experience of visiting Glasgow’s main public space. It’s critical we get this right."
Statue removal is expected to begin next year, disappearing from view until their reinstatement in 2027.
There are only three certainties in life.
Death, taxes and FBOT bitterly contesting anything in the west of Scotland.
In any case, why not just appoint Muriel Gray - she must know some worthies?
The reason that specialists are required is because in-house specialism in the removal , renovation and consolidation of bronze statuary has never existed in the City Council, nor to my knowledge in any local authority in Scotland, nor indeed in any UK authority.
Crawling along in our ignorance waiting for some self taught self employed distressed gentle person artisan to show us how to sling the crane and use a duster / cloot.
This is very basic stuff that the current Nat inspired Holyrood enabled political class treat as ground breaking open heart surgery requiring a Nobel prize.
No wonder we struggle to build a ferry.
With competence to burn like this it surely only a matter of time before the Scot Gov headhunters come knocking. :)
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Shortest game of buzzword bingo in history.
Looking for specialists to help pick a contractor ...
Has GCC been reduced to a point that it is a dry empty husk so that it needs help with everything?