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Bonnyrigg care community goes out to consultation

April 12 2021

Bonnyrigg care community goes out to consultation

Midlothian Council is inviting comment on plans to create a 40-bedroom intermediate care facility and 46 extra care homes development alongside a daycare unit housed within a C-listed former school.

Situated on land bounded by Polton Street, Moorfoot View and Moorfoot Place in Bonnyrigg the proposal will establish a complementary cluster of accommodation to provide care in the community.

A design team led by Collective Architecture will oversee this work which will entail demolition of St Mary's RC Primary School and the Dundas building, both of which are now vacant. New build additions will be formed from red and buff brick linked by characterful external spaces overseen by MBLA to encourage occupation.

As part of the work, a Queen Anne style annexe will be refurbished to provide third sector office space and a daycare unit, linked by a shared social space.

Two one-hour online consultation events are scheduled to take place on 16 April at 14:00 and 20 April from 18:00. An outline timetable points to a start on construction being made by the end of the year with completion estimated by spring 2023.

Demolitions will begin later this year
Demolitions will begin later this year
Urban frontages will be established to the street edge
Urban frontages will be established to the street edge

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