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Manson bring forward revised student flats plan for Edinburgh’s Gorgie Road

March 6 2019

Manson bring forward revised student flats plan for Edinburgh’s Gorgie Road

Manson Architects have returned to plans for a new student residential build on Edinburgh’s Gorgie Road with a revised application for 121 units above ground floor retail.

Scotmid Cooperative and Structured House are again behind the mixed-use scheme which has been subject to a number of design revisions including an upgraded materials specification for the main frontage and recessing an upper floor.

Other changes include a reduction of 60% in the number of overlooking windows on the west façade, with a significant number of the remainder canted to avoid direct lines of sight to neighbouring tenements.

A new central courtyard has also been introduced.

In their materials statement the architects wrote: “In lieu of the previously proposed buff brick, a buff stone has been introduced onto every elevation. The stone in the surrounding area is considered to be a positive characteristic, which is why it has been incorporated into the design.

“A light-coloured render has been chosen as the alternative material to brick in the courtyard spaces because of the reflective properties of the cladding. Although this material is not characteristic of the surrounding area further to discussions with the planning department render was established as being acceptable in the courtyards.”

A zinc clad upper floor now seeks to respond to the grey slate of neighbouring tenements, with projecting boxes echoing the many chimneys which line the road. The main frontage has been set back four metres from the road, maintaining an existing offset.

Concerns over loss of privacy have seen windows angled away from existing buildings
Concerns over loss of privacy have seen windows angled away from existing buildings
Stone replaces brick as the primary facade material
Stone replaces brick as the primary facade material

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