RGU unveil new look Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & the Built Environment
August 27 2015
Robert Gordon University have completed a £16m new Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & the Built Environment, ahead of the arrival of students and staff next month at the Aberdeen school.The BDP designed facility forms part of the £120m Garthdee campus project and incorporates a range of studio spaces as well as a spray booth for model construction, workshops and a custom audio visual system.
School head professor David McClean, said: “The new building is a fantastic addition to the campus and has been designed to provide a bespoke, dedicated environment for students. Emphasis has been placed on flexibility in response to the constraints imposed by existing spaces, and the fact that over time, course cohort sizes expand and contract at different rates.
“Importantly, the building provides a learning environment the quality of which can be matched by few schools of our kind in the UK.”
Energy efficient features include roof mounted solar panels and LED lighting has been specified for the Kier Construction built campus.
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