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Consultation guides evolution of redundant Edinburgh office block

October 20 2020

Consultation guides evolution of redundant Edinburgh office block

Palm Capital have come forward with their initial plans for the development of surplus land around Edinburgh's Orchard Brae House to provide 62 apartments and townhouses.

7N Architects have drawn up proposals to reconfigure the grounds of the 1970s office building to introduce new build elements on car parks flanking the block to the east and west, establishing a new active frontage to Orchard Brae in the process.

Under the plans, a new interior residential street will connect Orchard Brae Avenue to Queensferry Road and a new public space fronted by a convenience store will be located at the junction between Orchard Brae and Queensferry Road.

Notably Orchard Brae House itself does not form part of the current plans and will remain in-situ at the heart of the site.

7N Architects have already shown their intention to convert Finance House further along Orchard Brae into 170 apartments on behalf of Queensberry Properties.

A digital consultation will be held between 15:00 and 20:00 on 21 October during which the plans will be laid out in more detail.  

A mix of family and affordable housing will be delivered
A mix of family and affordable housing will be delivered
Mature trees will be preserved during construction
Mature trees will be preserved during construction

New apartments will take the place of desolate surface parking around the triangular block
New apartments will take the place of desolate surface parking around the triangular block
The accommodation mix will include a variety of townhouses with their own rooftop gardens
The accommodation mix will include a variety of townhouses with their own rooftop gardens

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