Last chance for public to have their say on Fountainbridge master plan
April 7 2014
The EDI Group is giving the public a final opportunity to have their say on a proposed master plan for Edinburgh’s Fountainbridge district ahead of submission of a planning application in principle next month.Drawn up by 7N Architects the plans incorporate a restored former rubber works alongside a new Boroughmuir High School and 340 high density homes alongside the Union Canal together with complementary office, retail, leisure and public realm works.
This is intended to establish a new neighbourhood on 8.2 acres of former brewery land with a large public events space at its heart.
As an interim measure the developers are also soliciting possible temporary uses for the central site ahead of building works getting underway; notably a temporary hotel and outdoor market.
Lynn Smith, Senior Development Manager for the group explained: "What we're doing at the moment is the pre-application consultation. If approved, these proposals will bring major regeneration to the Fountainbridge area and will help secure economic, civic and financial benefits for the city.
"The aim is to create a high quality mixed-use development at Fountainbridge which will include retail, housing, leisure and community uses."
EDI invite public comment on the plans through until 18 April.
#1 Posted by wonky on 7 Apr 2014 at 14:43 PM
this actually looks good- what is the world coming to when we have decent urban planning in the UK? Is the penny finally dropping?
#2 Posted by Gaberston on 9 Apr 2014 at 12:55 PM
Its great they are retaining the former Rubber works, a listed building, and the new use is most welcome. The earlier masterplan had proposed its demolition.
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